Global Informatics

Global Informatics

By Kashmir Search , Monday, October 1, 2012 12:00 AM

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The Global Informatics (GI), Affliliated with India's largest computer Network (AISECT), is a fast growing Institute of Jammu and Kashmir specializing in the fields of information technology (IT) and business studies with a strong focus on the present and future requirements of the region’s economy.

GI is a private Institute that cares deeply about the success of its students. Most importantly, its quality long and short courses have given it a respected reputation in both the higher education and IT sectors.Global Informatics (GI) mission is to be a private, independent institute with high moral values and of world standing in its scholarship, Kashmiri in character but international in perspective.

The Global Informatics (GI) Affliliated with India's largest computer Network (AISECT) is a fast growing Institute of Jammu and Kashmir specializing in the fields of information technology (IT) and business studies with a strong focus on the present and future requirements of the region’s economy. GI is a private Institute that cares deeply about the success of its students. Most importantly, its quality long and short courses have given it a respected reputation in both the higher education and IT sectors.Global Informatics (GI) mission is to be a private, independent institute with high moral values and of world standing in its scholarship, Kashmiri in character but international in perspective


We provides coaching to professional programs like B-Tech, MCA, Msc IT , BBA, BCA and DOEACC Students of various different regular or distance learning university students

Our main objective is to give guidance to those students who could not join the regular college, in a way of regular classes, arrange last year questions papers and especially towards their training & placements. We have experience that distance learning students are facing a lot of problems. The students could not achieve the success even their hard work. To solve the manifold hurdles in their life “Global Informatics” is emerged as an esteemed and reputed education institute for achieving their goals in the life. By building association with us,
We provides coaching to DOEACC 'O' Level Students In The Following Modules

Subject Code Subject

M1-R3 IT Tools and Application

M2-R3 Business Systems

M3-R3 Internet and Web Design

M4.1-R3 Programming & Problem Solving through C Language

M4.2-R3 Programming through Visual Basic

Our main objective is to give guidance to those students who could not join the regular college, in a way of regular classes, arrange last year questions papers and especially towards their training & placements. We have experience that distance learning students are facing a lot of problems. The students could not achieve the success even their hard work. To solve the manifold hurdles in their life Global Informatics” is emerged as an esteemed and reputed education institute for achieving their goals in the life. By building association with us,

Commerce Coaching
We offer well versed and professional coaching of commerce to higher secondary level. we beleive commerce is one of the innovative subject in the present scenario.we have here expert teachers to teach different subjects of commerce against nominal fee. we feel computer is a need of an hour so we prefer our own students to opt Information Practices as additional subject in addition to their compulsory subjects.

Coaching offered in following subjects for 10+1 Class Subject
01 11th Business Studies
02 11th Accountancy
03 11th Entrepreneurship
04 11th Information Practices
05 11th Stenography
06 11th General English

Coaching offered in following subjects for 10+2 Class Subject
01 12th Management
02 12th Accountancy
03 12th Entrepreneurship
04 12th Information Practices
05 12th Stenography
06 12th General English

Career Planning Centre :
GI advisers are available to assist students in personal assessment of career interest, values, and abilities to identify possible career directions related to a major area of study. Services also include facilitating the campus interview program, providing job vacancy information to students, responding to employers' requests for referral of qualified job applicants, assisting with resume and interview preparation, and sending placement credentials to employers.particular courses.

Weekend Classes :
GI offers the weekend batches for
web designing and internet Basics courses for those who due to their busy schedule cannot attend the classes on week days. All weekend classes will be of 4 hours duration
and you can choose either morning batch or afternoon batch. Morning batch will start from 9 am to 1 pm

Global Informatics
Noor Bagh Cement Bridge
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190002
Email :
Phone : +91 9906827096
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Noor Bagh Cement Bridge Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190002


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